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What is the need to avoid using electrophoresis equipment

article source:Yiwo Content Management System Release time : 2017-06-29 views:611
There are many in the use of the equipment, will be to ignore a lot of problems, let's for a problem.
(1) the personnel can go to the lower voltage adjustable, so as not to appear too thick film.
(2) we can have a look at liquid not reached the requirements of a certain degree, especially at the cathode electrophoresis equipment with paint, if when the paint of high temperature gas, then trough the soundness of will be reflected, personnel to ensure that the liquid degree is always within the measurement category.

(3) the liquid, respectively, to process requirements, if the liquid is too high may make coating thickness.
(4) personnel must besmear mastering swimming skills.
(5) know the liquid with a number of organic solvents, ?

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